Why mentoring is key to our business and developing #OurATeam
17JAN Why mentoring is key to our business and developing #OurATeam
It will come as no surprise that a key goal for our business is to continue building our team capabilities to stay at the forefront of the industry, this means offering first class learning and development opportunities to all our employees. Whilst there are lots of different elements that make up a learning and development strategy, mentoring has quickly established itself as a key principle of development within Acosta Europe.
Combining coaching and mentoring together with a full range of other learning tools has enabled us to develop a more rounded platform to help #OurATeam achieve their aims and goals. This move away from more traditional learning through courses and ‘on-the-job’ learning has been a positive experience – as seen in our Aspiring Manager’s programme.
For Matthew Francis, one of our 2019-20 Aspiring Managers, the mentoring experience has been overwhelmingly positive. “I believe having a mentor is critical to my career success. Having a mentor on the Aspiring Managers programme has opened my eyes to what management roles entail. it has helped me to gain valuable insights and see the bigger picture”
“Their guidance has been invaluable in helping me to establish my own management style and allowing me to steer my personal development in the right direction.”
Whilst individuals clearly get a lot from the insight, knowledge and experience of a mentor, businesses can gain just as much. As a learning and development approach, mentoring really helps us identify our future leaders. The mentees are gaining a different perspective on business from colleagues than they would from their line manager. There are no targets to meet or discuss, it is focussed on progression.
Being able to develop leaders internally helps solidify the organisations values and culture at the heart of our future – something that is important for us. It also helps us understand areas that we can improve as a business through regular feedback and interaction. Whilst the mentor/mentee relationship is confidential, themes and suggestions often come out.
Being a mentor is not something that just happens. We had volunteers from across the spectrum of management put themselves forward to help guide our team. They were provided with training on methods of mentoring and have been guided through what the aims and purposes are. Outside of that, it is down to their natural flair and relationship building that makes the scheme a success.
“I’m really enjoying the mentoring process, it’s really inspiring to witness people who have such an amazing enthusiasm to learn and grow.” Don Campbell is one of the mentors within Acosta Europe, having benefitted from similar support himself, during the 2018 Spotlight Awards. “Having been in a management role for a number of years it is refreshing to work with people at the start of their management careers, they bring an infectious passion to their development.”
“I’ve been able to build up a rapport with my mentee and it is rewarding to see some of the skills and knowledge that I may take for granted be given a new lease of life through this process.”
Introducing our mentoring scheme has had a significant impact in the business. Our team are more engaged, more driven to succeed and ultimately wider experience
We start 2020 with lots of exciting training launches on the horizon and whilst each has a different purpose, all will include the option of mentoring.
Find out more about what makes #OurATeam so special and see what careers we currently have available.