08MAR Talking: Balance – Our leaders on International Women’s Day
The theme of International Women’s Day 2019 is balance.
We brought leaders from across the Acosta Europe Group to get together over tea and biscuits and discuss the concept of balance in life and in work.
From the ever-changing pressures on working mothers, through to the challenges of opening up non-traditional female roles in an agency, we caught the perspectives of seasoned field marketers and relative industry newcomers.
Tina Prodger (MD, Flexforce), Karen Batttick (MD, Shopsmart), Justine Maxwell (Group Finance Director, Acosta Europe), Karly Francis (HR Head, Reach Contact) and Charlene Friend (COO, Acosta Europe) share some fascinating insights on where we have come from and where we are going to as we strive to create a balanced work culture.